I had an amazing adventure this summer with my family traveling around Europe at the end of July and beginning of August. We traveled for almost 4 weeks and our trip included: Florence (with overnight trips to Rome and Venice), Paris, and Marlow, England. We rented apartments in each city, which gave us a great 'homebase' with a kitchen and more room for everyone. The weather was drastically different in each place, so we packed for the heat (in Italy, the hottest heat wave in 130 years) to cooler, almost autumn-like weather in England. My wife and I both brought painting gear, and we managed to get some work done. I drew in my sketch book, and had a half box French easel with an umbrella. For the paintings, I worked on Arches oil paper with a small panel of gatorboard to tape the paper to. I brought brushes and palette knives, and bought the paint and solvents when I first arrived in Florence. Some of them smeared in transport, so I had to repaint some areas when I got back to my studio. Here are some of the drawings and oil sketches I did while I was there:
near the Duomo, Florence 8.5" x 11"graphite |
Florence courtyard, 8.5" x 11"graphite |
Ponte alle Grazie, oil and graphite on paper, 9"x12" |
Along the Arno, oil on paper 9" x 12" |
Florence courtyard, oil and graphite on paper 9" x 12" |
Jasper on the train to Venice, graphite 8.5" x 11" |
Fountain in Florence, oil and graphite on paper 9" x 12" |
Rome, graphite on paper 8.5" x 11" |
Paris studio, oil and graphite on paper 9" x 12" |
Paris studio II, oil and graphite on paper 9" x 12" |
Paris studio III, oil and graphite on paper 9" x 12" |
Parisian rooftops, graphite on paper 8.5" x 11" |
Marlow hedge, oil on paper 9" x 12" |
Oak in Marlow, graphite on paper 8.5" x 11" |